Whatever Comes to mind

Hello World

Hello World,

I’ve challenged myself to start a blog as I’m not the kind of person to put myself out there that much and I want to have a go at sharing some of my random ideas, things I like, interesting stuff I’ve seen or learned or projects I’m working on.Although to be honest I have no idea what direction I’m taking this blog in I just thought it would be cool to start one since I’ve never made a blog before and I’m an addict to trying new things/hobbies plus I’m bored as hell so why not?

I would rather improvise everything and see where it takes me. Who knows, maybe I’ll come up with some fun ideas or surprise myself with what I can write. My goal would probably be to find something at least mildly interesting to write about, then just word vomit it out

I like the ideas behind Bear blog, a simple format where you can rant about virtually anything regardless of skill level and it’s away from the mainstream internet but there’s still enough people around that there can be a community.

I’m not a particularly good writer but I have been journaling for the past 5 years so I guess this Is like a level up since I get to make some of my thoughts public. Anyway I hope you enjoy some of the stupid shit I end up writing about (: