Whatever Comes to mind

CDs at the thrift store

I was out for one day to go thrifting, I expected for myself to only get a few clothes and bounce but as I was cruising through the selves I found myself looking through the CDs and finding ones that would be interesting to listen to.

I ended up leaving the thrift store with a mini collection of CDs and dvd's. Usually I'm the kind of person to stick with listening to stuff online but I think it could be worthwhile going back to physical media because it's something that you actually own yourself and doesn't need an internet connection to function.It would also be a way to find music that you wouldn't usually listen to since you aren't getting tailored suggestions from an algorithm.

For one of the CDs I got it was a full album by this Jamie Cullum guy, the cover mislead me into thinking that it would be some kinda 2000's indie rock kinda music.I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the album was entirely made up of jazz tunes.Actually buying a CD forced me into listening to a full album, something that I wouldn't do digitally as I'm the kind of listener to hop from artist to artist taking bits and bobs to mash them up into to one big melting pot of a playlist. Being able to sit with an artist through an entire album allowed me to appreciate their work in a deeper way since I built up a connection through the narratives of each song.

Overall both physical and digital music have their own unique pros and cons and I'm glad my small trip to the thrift store gave me a chance to branch out and experience music in a different way.